Lake Mills Auto Repair

Auto Repair Services Near Lake Mills, IA - Try Forest City Auto

If you are looking for an affordable and trustworthy auto repair shop in Lake Mills, we hope you choose Forest City Auto!

Forest City Auto is Lake Mills's number one choice for auto repair. Our staff is well-trained with the goal of consistent and great customer service. We are conveniently located near Lake Mills. Drop by the auto repair shop today at 3250 Hwy 69, Forest City, IA, 50436 any time, or give us a call at 641-581-3000 and schedule an appointment.


Quote reviewicon

They always have great service

, 12/23/2024

Quote reviewicon

Very respectful and knowledgeable in all of their services. They do a great job of helping you understand exactly what you need what you don’t and they have fair prices. Would definitely recommend them to anybody.

, 12/13/2024

Quote reviewicon

From the first minute that I walked into Forest City Auto, I felt welcomed like I was a part of their family. Chance explained things to me about my vehicle that noone ever has before. They replaced the parts that needed to be, and not any extra parts like bigger shops may have tried to do. They were fast at scheduling, and repairing my vehicle. They have earned all of my future repairs, service and recommendations to everyone I know.

, 12/06/2024


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Interstate Batteries
Car Care Aware
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